To put The Agamemnon on a modern American Stage presents some real problems. Our work is an attempt to realize certain elements: the dark world of Argos turned in on itself, unable to resolve its fear; Clytemnestra’s need to seek freedom from religious superstition: to tear down the god, to act without guilt, to resolve her revenge by herself. Also to find equivalents for the music and choral majesty of ancient times, to deal with both as surrealist motifs, to seek visual support for the spoken words; and finally to seek the inner life of the characters rather than their external show.

Translated by: Edith Hamilton
Adapted and directed by: Brother Jonathan O.S.F.
Set by: Fredda Slavin
Costumes by: Theoni V. Aldredge & Martin Pakledinaz
Original music by: Evangelos Fampas
Lighting by: John Merriman
Sound by: Aural Fixation
Choreography by: Menno Vantoorenburg
Production Stage Manager: Gary Walter
Technical Director: Jeff Berzon
Agamemnon: Michael Landrum
Clytemnestra: Melodie Somers
Cassandra: Katina Kalin
Aegisthus: Dennis Bailey
Chorus Leader: William Preston
Produced by: The Greek Theatre of New York (EllinikoTheatro)
At the GTNY theatre, 120 West 28thStreet in NYC